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Struggled to find the right words to express yourself when you most need it? #2nd technique.

Struggled to find the right words to express yourself when you most need it?

Misunderstood simple spoken sentences because you could not recognize certain words?

Finding the words that you need at the moment you need them is the struggle for every language learner.

The British Linguist, David Wilkins said, “While without grammar little can be conveyed, without Vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.”

Therefore, I started this Vocabulary Techniques series to provide you with all the ideas and latest techniques for learning and improving your vocabulary.
We all learn in different ways, so every day I will list a different technique and each person can try it and see which ones work best for him/her.

**** Second Technique: ****

– Learn synonyms (words with same or close meaning) and antonyms (words with opposite meaning)

Learning synonyms and antonyms is very helpful and important because it helps you express yourself better and helps you understand others when they use those different variations of a similar word that you know.

Learning synonyms may seem like a duplicated effort. If you know the word “Funny”, you should be all set, right?

But what if someone tells you: That was…
When you learn a new word, use a Thesaurus to discover its synonyms. This practice will increase your understanding of the word and add variety to your vocabulary.

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