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How can I increase my vocabulary?

We ask this question all the time. No one can deny that Vocabulary is an essential part of learning any language. We need words to express ourselves and to be able to read in different fields which means to improve our language, we need a much bigger variety of vocabulary.

As a lifelong languages learner and over a dozen years as an English teacher, I had to look for the most practical ways to increase my vocab and my learners’ vocab as well. After many tries and tests, I was able to put together a list of best techniques that helped my learners in overcoming that challenge.

We all learn in different ways, so every day I will list a different technique and each person can try it and see which ones work best for him/her.

**** First Technique: ****

1- Choose the topic you want to read in or learn about
2- Make a list of words that are related to that topic, field or area
3- Find the meaning of the words on your list (preferably in an English/English dictionary) depending on your level of course
4- Study few words (5 to 10 words max) every day
5- Put those words in meaningful sentences to you. The more unique these sentence, the higher the chance of you committing them to memory for much longer.
6- Add more words only when you are sure that you have mastered the old ones
7- Review the old words and the new ones often to keep them fresh in your mind

This technique is most effective for many people because the words are grouped by subject which means there are strong links between them. Our brains are trained to retain/keep information in linked groups. This way you present the link needed for your brain to learn and keep those word.

Do not use ready-made lists because they lack any personal connection. It is best if you create those lists yourself. That list will be unique to you and most helpful to you above all.

Remember to have fun during this process or you will lose interest quickly which is not something we want to happen!!

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