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Consistency is the key!!!

Though we all have heard that statement million times before, we still struggle to put it into practice.
As a language learner and educator, I found it to be most true when it comes to language learning.

Consistency is the key to success in developing your language skills.

Some people complain that they have taken many language courses and tried over and over to learn the language but every time they failed to master it.

Their problem can be in the way they tried to learn the language but mostly it is with their inconsistency.

I tell my learners, language learning is like walking, as long as you put one foot in front of the other, you are moving forward. However, the moment you stop moving forward, you are actually falling backward.

So, do your best to be consistent. I am not saying you should spend an hour every day studying but spend at least 10 minutes a day doing something in your target language and give it your full attention during that time.

If it won’t add to your knowledge, it will definitely protect it from falling backward.

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